#ScreenTime: Â Fifty Shades Darker
Regular PHS columnist, Heidi Rice, is talking about Fifty Shades Darker and the fun to be found in escapist fantasy...

#TravelsWithRomance: Â Five Things to do in Sedona, Arizona
Regular PHS columnist, Jenna Kernan, is talking about researching her Apache Protector series in Sedona...

#TechTalk: Voxer
Regular PHS columnist, Jill Kemerer, talks about the one piece of tech she couldn't live without...

#HunkOfTheMonth: Kofi Siriboe
New regular PHS columnist, Melissa Blue, is talking about her #HunkOfTheMonth: Â Kofi Siriboe...

#FreedomFood: Â Recipes to Make Your Life Easier
Regular PHS columnist, Nicole Locke, is talking about those go to recipes that make life that little bit easier for you when you're rush

#10ThingsYouDidntKnow... About Amanda Cinelli
Regular PHS columnist, Amanda Cinelli, is revealing ten unique things about herself that you almost definitely didn't know!

#TheFashionForwardWriter: Briefcase Encounters
New PHS editor Christy Kate McKenzie is talking about those all important laptop cases and briefcases, and has found something for every bud

#AtTheCliffFace: Musings of a Romance Academic
PHS editor, Ali Williams, is taking us on her journey towards completing a PhD about realism in the 21st Century Harlequin Mills & Boon