A Paranormal Resurrection?
Fourteen years after Twilight hit the shelves and with only A Discovery Of Witches left to satisfy our onscreen vampire lovin' needs, Ho

#FreshStart - Jane Godman
Jane Godman tells us about the hardest year of her life and how 2019 will, for her, involve digging deep for positivity.

#RecommendedReads: Frosty Paranormals
Need a frosty paranormal romance? We're sharing some of our favourites with you!

The Time Poor Writer
We all know the adage, write every day. But what happens when you’re so busy there’s no time for writing? Kali Anthony talks about connectin

Creating Magical Worlds
Reading can transport us to new and wonderful places, some of them literally magical. We ask authors how they build the worlds in their nove

#Rebranding - Bittersweet Change
As part of our special PHS Rebranding Edition, Angel Smits is talking about bittersweet endings and starting out for new beginnings...

#Rebranding - When One Door Closes
As part of our special PHS Rebranding Edition, Synithia Williams is talking about life after Harlequin Kimani...

Fantastical Worlds
We ask authors how they build the worlds behind their paranormal and fantasy novels. Is it just about rules? And how do you create somethin

Vampires: The Ultimate Scary Heroes
Are vampires the ultimate scary heroes?  Nicole Locke takes the characters from the world of The Vampire Diaries to back up her argument!

Of Vampires and Waitresses
Continuing our series looking at romance novels which have inspired and influenced writers, Rachel Dove talks about the book that introduced

#RomanceInOtherGenres: Â Fantasy
We're delighted to welcome novelist, Sue Tingey, to the Pink Heart Society as she talks about seeing her fantasy novels in a new light..

#ConferenceReport: PCA 2017
We're delighted to have Dr Amy Burge delivering our very first #ConferenceReport as she feeds back from the PCA | ACA 2017 Conference...