Vampires: The Ultimate Scary Heroes

Are vampires the ultimate scary heroes? Nicole Locke takes the characters from the world of The Vampire Diaries to back up her argument!

Oh, it’s Halloween time, and how do you like your heroes? Hot and scary or Scary Hot? The best bit about this time of year, is you can have both.
I certainly will. I love paranormal romance. Why? It reminds me of my Medieval times. The same dangerous edge to the romance, the sense of urgency, the visceral messiness of it all.
So who makes the best paranormal hero in my humble opinion? One that is invincible and vulnerable, of course.
The best bit is films and tv have got it right now. Sure, there was the 1950’s Superman who had kryptonite, but now there’s the Superman who’s a little shy and awkward; who struggles with his powers.
Who do I think are the paranormal heroes that hit it just right? The entire television series of The Vampire Diaries and The Originals.
To say I’m obsessed with these characters is an understatement. Of course, the people are ridiculously good looking, but they’re supposed to be. As the ultimate predator, it’s one of their weapons against their prey. But beside the fact that everyone is absolutely sigh worthy, there is something else they have. They all have carry their own kryptonite baggage. They are all hot, deadly, and vulnerable. (Spoiler alerts ahead!).
First you think Stefan, the vampire love interest, is the true danger to the sleepy town of Mystic Falls. After all, he knows he’s deadly…in fact he’s addicted to blood; thus, he is the safest boyfriend material. Then his brother Damon shows up, and he simply wants cause trouble. However, Damon has some vulnerabilities (an old love he never got over), and you realise he isn’t so bad after all.
So what’s next the for the series? A manipulative heroine, who plays the brothers against each other, but actually she’s trying to survive…
Well, you get the gist of it. By Season 3 and 4, the show involves not only vampires, werewolves, witches, but also The Original Vampire family.
And the most dangerous powerful paranormal hero that the werewolves, witches and other vampires fear is Klaus Mikaelson. One bite from him and you’re a goner.
Oh, but the flaw that Klaus has, that one glaring vulnerability? He’s lonely. Thus, on one hand he is the ultimate baddy, and on the other he simply needs a hug. Of course looking the way he does, and as charming as he is…it’s a really long hug on the foyer wall, against the sofa, on the bed, and in the shower.
Is anyone else obsessed with this series as much as I am. Are we despondent that The Originals is in its last Season? Who’s your favourite Scary Hero?