Vampires: The Ultimate Scary Heroes
Are vampires the ultimate scary heroes?  Nicole Locke takes the characters from the world of The Vampire Diaries to back up her argument!

Romance in Comics! Girl Power Style
Author Corrina Lawson gives us a breakdown of the Romance in Geekland panel she held with PHS editor Maya Kesh and Author of the young adult

Of Vampires and Waitresses
Continuing our series looking at romance novels which have inspired and influenced writers, Rachel Dove talks about the book that introduced

Werewolves and Demons and Fae, Oh My!
We talk about our favourite kinds of paranormal and urban fantasy heroes.  What's your catnip?  Vampire or werewolf?  Demon or fallen an

#ScreenTime: The Love Story We Want to See on Screen
PHS columnist, Heidi Rice, is talking about the series that she's dying to see on the big screen and on our tv screens...