Rise And Shine
As autumn begins to shorten our daylight hours, Aleksandr Voinov talks about his experience with Seasonal Affective Disorder and how he lear

Aspiring Authors Update
Have you visited our Aspiring Authors Group and Forum yet? Christy Kate McKenzie catches us up on everything that's been happening there

Dear Younger Me...
In a letter-style introspective, author Carolyn Hector Hall gives her younger self some sage advice about life and love...

You Are NOT Alone
It might feel like it sometimes but you are not alone! Ali Williams and Robyn Rychards discuss the challenges they face dealing with anxiety

PHS Aspiring Authors: We’re All Heart
Assistant Editor, Chris Buono is here to catch us up on all of the exciting happenings over in our PHS Aspiring Authors group & the Foru

Aspiring Authors August Update
Senior Editor, Christy Kate McKenzie, is here to catch us up on all of the exciting happenings over in our PHS Aspiring Authors group &

The PHS Aspiring Authors Group is on Fire!
Senior Editor, Christy Kate McKenzie, is here to catch you up on all of the exciting happenings over in our PHS Aspiring Authors group this

Short Story Competition!
Think you can write a sexy short story we would like to publish on our website? Senior editor, Christy Kate McKenzie, launches our very firs

Calling All Aspiring Authors!
We've been dropping a few hints in the last month about exciting things to come for the PHS readers who are aspiring authors. Now senior

Menopause Matters
Is discussing menopause the last glass ceiling to be broken, health-wise? If so, the PHS is about to take a hammer to it with our new Menopa

Nixing Negativity
When it comes to criticism, romance writers soon discover the value of a thick skin. So how do authors respond to people with little to no u

Avoiding The Ouchies & Owies
Writing can be a danger to your health! Thankfully we have Geri Krotow here to share the tricks of the trade which contribute to her healthy

It Takes A Village
They're the real-life heroes and heroines behind every book success, the people who help make a story better and rave about it on Social