Have You Found Your Tribe?
Need some support during the creative process? Feeling a little lonesome whilst you write? Kali Anthony talks about why finding your tribe i

Taking Time Out
Burnout is a scary thought for many a writer and we all need to take #TimeOut. Nina Singh and Cass Lennox tell us about the things they do

Fictional Friends
Fictional friends. Or ARE they? Our authors talk secondary characters, how real life can influence the fictional world and confess to sneaki

Different Strokes. Or ARE they?
Whether we recognize them or not, we all have our favorite archetypes. Holly March talks about two of the best known: Brooding Dukes and the

The PHS Aspiring Authors Group is on Fire!
Senior Editor, Christy Kate McKenzie, is here to catch you up on all of the exciting happenings over in our PHS Aspiring Authors group this

Short Story Competition!
Think you can write a sexy short story we would like to publish on our website? Senior editor, Christy Kate McKenzie, launches our very firs

Finding Purpose
Have you ever felt like giving up on your creativity? Are you having a crisis of confidence? Kali Anthony talks about how the Japanese conce

Calling All Aspiring Authors!
We've been dropping a few hints in the last month about exciting things to come for the PHS readers who are aspiring authors. Now senior

Literary Revenge
Did you know authors are a vengeful lot? Cross one and you might end up coming to a sticky end in their story. Susan Gable talks about her a

Faking It But Not Making It
Feel like a fraud? Waiting for the axe to fall? Faking it but not making it? Kali Anthony talks about reframing your thoughts to avoid being

Dress For Success
Having trouble with inspiration? Feel in a bit of a slump? Maybe it's what you're wearing that's giving you grief. Kali Anthony

Why We Love - Life Hacks
Need to make your life a bit easier? Kristina Knight has some tips and tricks to do just that. She's talking about why she loves life ha

The Write Thing: Sex Scenes
Some are so terrible there's even a Bad Sex In Fiction Award. (Never won by a romance author!) Avril Tremayne talks about sex scenes and

How To Keep the Love Alive
How difficult is it to keep the love alive in a relationship? Liz Flaherty tells us it's all about focusing on cherished moments.