The Time Poor Writer
We all know the adage, write every day. But what happens when you’re so busy there’s no time for writing? Kali Anthony talks about connectin

Literary Events
Who doesn't love the buzz of a great conference? AC Arthur talks us through Literary Events growing in popularity in the US and tells us

Is Coffee Really Writing Fuel?
Is coffee really the writing fuel a thousand memes suggest? Rachel Dove talks about everyone's favourite pick-me-up.

PHS Aspiring Authors Latest News!
Wonderful things continue to happen at the Pink Heart Society Aspiring Authors group. Chris Buono brings us up to speed on what’s been happe

Love & Loss
We've all lost someone we love and know that grief can be overwhelming. Kali Anthony discusses how harnessing that emotion can help you

Different Strokes: The Princess and the Fallen Commander
In Part Two of the Different Strokes series, Holly March talks about The Fallen Commander and the Princess. Two more archetypes for your ars

Aspiring Authors Update
Have you visited our Aspiring Authors Group and Forum yet? Christy Kate McKenzie catches us up on everything that's been happening there

PHS Aspiring Authors: We’re All Heart
Assistant Editor, Chris Buono is here to catch us up on all of the exciting happenings over in our PHS Aspiring Authors group & the Foru

The (Reading) Road To Romance
Ever wondered how authors end up writing in one genre instead of another? Kristina Knight tells us about the reading path which led her to o

Top Tips for Writers From Writers
While there is no quick fix for everyone's WIP, the smallest piece of advice can help drop those pennies. Chris Buono and Adite Banerjie

Setting Writer Goals
Stuck for time? Our columnists share some great advice for getting those much-needed words down on paper when you have 1001 other things to

Motivation Matters
Everyone tells you to write every day, but how do you manage that when lacking motivation? PHS Editor, Kali Anthony gives some tips on what

An Unexpected Legacy
Assistant Editor, Holly March veers into another genre to explain why Sir Terry Pratchett influenced her writing and became part of her roma

Aspiring Authors August Update
Senior Editor, Christy Kate McKenzie, is here to catch us up on all of the exciting happenings over in our PHS Aspiring Authors group &