Top Tips for Writers From Writers
While there is no quick fix for everyone's WIP, the smallest piece of advice can help drop those pennies. Chris Buono and Adite Banerjie

Celebrating Best Friends
We all have that go-to someone or people in our life. Our authors out some of their best friends and we invite YOU to do the same with YOURS

Why We Love - Summer!
Do you enjoy bundling up in winter? The first spring blooms? How about autumn when the leaves change? Jill Kemerer tells us why she loves s

First Dates, First Impressions, First Kisses
First dates can be a disaster or the start of something wonderful. Jill Kemerer and Mollie Blake rate a couple of examples from books on a k

Where Is The Love?
Where is the love for romance novels outside of its loyal readers? Jill Kemerer talks about the misconceptions which have abounded for centu

Our Romantic Heritage: The Guardian/Ward Trope
Author Jill Kemerer talks about how the classic guardian/ward trope has dated, and how it affected her as a young reader of romance.

Consistency is the Key to Balanced Living
Join Jill Kemerer as she explains how the last year has brought change through consistency...

Ways to Cope With Stress
Join Liam Livings as he shares with us some top tips on combatting stress for the New Year...

WIN A COPY of The Rancher's Mistletoe Bride and I'll Be Home for Christmas
It's #GiveawayTime at the PHS and we have loads of fabulous stories for you to win courtesy of the lovely Jill Kremerer.

A Mile in Her Shoes: Jill Kemerer
This month we're walking a mile in Jill Kemerer's shoes as she takes us through a day full of projects, plotting and the wonders of

Character Creation For Beginners
They're the most important part of the story and must feel real for us to invest in their happily-ever-after. Jill Kemerer and Nicole Lo

#FreedomFood: Energy Boosters
This month we welcome Jill Kemerer who talks about her go-to recipes when she needs a little #EnergyFood.

#ViveLaDifference: Â Religion and Romance
This month the Pink Heart Society is welcoming authors from all kinds of backgrounds as they talk about writing romances with religious prot

#PinkHeartPoll: Â What's Your Favourite Book Format?
We're talking about our favourite ways to read at the PHS!