Sibling Stories
Siblings sell a series. Virginia Heath explains how to develop a family with series potential while striking a balance between distracting s

#UKRomChat - The Story So Far...
Hello and welcome to the PHS Magazine #UKRomChat Column. Here at #UKRomChat we’re used to welcoming folk, but up till now it’s been to our w

#Rebranding - Evolving Over Time
As part of our special PHS Rebranding Edition, Kate Walker is talking about the importance of constantly evolving as a writer...

Meet Aspiring Author Amy Ella
We talk to Amy Ella of Mills & Boon Book Reviews and Chat, an aspiring author trying to avoid distraction...

Reader of the Month
This month we meet Therese Ferguson who reminisces about the Sweet Dream Romances of her teens and talks about her current favourite...

Meet Aspiring Author Mairibeth MacMillan
New to PHS this month is #Aspiring Authors! In this column we will chat with unpublished writers about their writing and goals. First up is