Tricks of the Trade
In a particularly relevant study during #Nanowrimo season our authors share some of the tricks of the trade they use to stay on track and r

PHS Reader Challenge 2018
Ready to try something new? Ali Williams and Nicole Locke recommend some books you might not know to kick start our reader challenge!

Giveaways and Free Books!
On a tight budget? Would like to sample a new-to-you author's writing before you invest in their series? Then our #FreeBooks page is the

The Iris Johansen Legacy
As part of our continuing study of the books and writers who influenced modern day romance authors, Nicole Locke shares her love of Iris Joh

Well Hello Michiel Huisman!
We're always looking for hero inspiration at the PHS and Nicole Locke has brought us a winner in the form of her Current Crush, Michiel

My World: Nicole Locke
Ever wondered what it's like to live in the Pacific Northwest? Nicole Locke gives us a peek into her new neck of the woods...

Exclusive FREE READ
February's FREE READ comes from Nicole Locke who shares something you won't find anywhere else! An exclusive extract from Reclaimed

It's Christmas Cookie Time!
We all reach for the yummy nibbles during the holidays. But is there still time to bake biscuits and cookies when you're a busy writer?

It's the month people all over the world sign up to write a book in a month. But is it always successful or can it prove soul-destroyin

Vampires: The Ultimate Scary Heroes
Are vampires the ultimate scary heroes?  Nicole Locke takes the characters from the world of The Vampire Diaries to back up her argument!

Character Creation For Beginners
They're the most important part of the story and must feel real for us to invest in their happily-ever-after. Jill Kemerer and Nicole Lo

WIN A COPY of The Knight's Scarred Maiden
It's #GiveawayTime at the PHS! This month we have a signed, print copy of The Knight's Scarred Maiden from PHS columnist Nicole Lock

#TalkingPoint: When Bad Boys Cross The Line
Today on PHS #TalkingPoint are two Medieval Historical authors, Elisabeth Hobbes and Nicole Locke discussing when does a bad boy hero crosse

#TalkingPoint: Is Historical Romance Rewriting History?
PHS columnist, Nicole Locke is discussing whether or not historical romances rewrite history, and looking at the rewriting history of an eve