#FreshStart - Amy Andrews
Amy Andrews talks about the reasons she's super excited for all that 2019 will bring.

The (Reading) Road To Romance
Ever wondered how authors end up writing in one genre instead of another? Kristina Knight tells us about the reading path which led her to o

Why I Love Montana Sky
Continuing our series looking at romance novels which have inspired and influenced writers, Virginia Heath reminisces about classic romance,

Romance in Comics! Girl Power Style
Author Corrina Lawson gives us a breakdown of the Romance in Geekland panel she held with PHS editor Maya Kesh and Author of the young adult

From Book to Film
In this month's #IndustryInsights, new PHS columnist, Teri Wilson, talks about seeing her books finally make the transition to the big s

#IndustryInsights: Working With A Copy Editor
In this month's #IndustryInsights, new PHS columnist, Liam Livings, talks about lessons he's learned while working with copy editors

#ViveLaDifference: Â Older Heroines
This month at the PHS Dee Ernst, Amanda Ward, Liz Flaherty, Morgan Malone and PHS editor Trish Wylie talk about romances with older heroines

#ConferenceReport: PCA 2017
We're delighted to have Dr Amy Burge delivering our very first #ConferenceReport as she feeds back from the PCA | ACA 2017 Conference...

#ScreenTime: The Love Story We Want to See on Screen
PHS columnist, Heidi Rice, is talking about the series that she's dying to see on the big screen and on our tv screens...

#TheFashionForwardWriter: Briefcase Encounters
New PHS editor Christy Kate McKenzie is talking about those all important laptop cases and briefcases, and has found something for every bud