May Editorial
PHS Founder and Editor, Trish Wylie, talks about her pride as a member of the romance tribe, because we're #StrongerTogether.

#ViveLaDifference: Â Older Heroines
This month at the PHS Dee Ernst, Amanda Ward, Liz Flaherty, Morgan Malone and PHS editor Trish Wylie talk about romances with older heroines

#ConferenceReport: PCA 2017
We're delighted to have Dr Amy Burge delivering our very first #ConferenceReport as she feeds back from the PCA | ACA 2017 Conference...

#IndustryInsights: Â Book Covers with Anna 'Tiferet' Sikorska
We're delighted to welcome Anna 'Tiferet' Sikorska - a book cover designer for a Big Five publisher, specialising in romance and

The #DisRom Project
We're delighted to have Dr Ria Cheyne talking to us about her RWA funded project:  The #DisRom Project...

#OurRomanticHeritage: Their Eyes Were Watching God
The PHS's new monthly column, #OurRomanticHeritage, takes a look at romance novels that have inspired and influenced writers today. Â Pip

#RomanceInOtherGenres: Â YA Fiction
We're delighted to welcome YA author, Steven Parlato, to the Pink Heart Society as he talks about adding a dash of love to his novels...

#HealthyAuthors: Mental Health
Amber Page is kicking off our new #HealthyAuthors column, talking about depression and mental health.

#TheRomanceAcademy: Disability in Romance
This month in the Romance Academy,  we're delighted to welcome Brooke Winters as she talks about the importance of representing disabili

#BookTalk: Beverages and Books
We're delighted to welcome our this month's #BookTalk guest to the PHS: Kristen of Beverages and Books!

#TalkingPoint: Is Historical Romance Rewriting History?
PHS columnist, Nicole Locke is discussing whether or not historical romances rewrite history, and looking at the rewriting history of an eve

#TheWriteThing: Writing is a Business Too
Tara Taylor Quinn is highlighting the fact that though writing is a labour of love for many people, in order to be a successful writer, you

#TrialsAndTribulations: Third Time's The Charm
So Avril Tremayne's talking all about the difficulties of handling a rerelease - especially when the book in question has been published

#ReaderOfTheMonth: Kathy Hamilton
We're delighted to welcome our May #ReaderOfTheMonth - to the PHS:  Kathy Hamilton, The Female Scriblerian!