#OurRomanticHeritage: Iola Leroy
We take a look at romance novels which have inspired and influenced writers .  This month, Piper Huguley is looking at Frances E. W. Harper&

#TravelsWithRomance: Writing Everywhere
PHS Columnist, AlTonya Washington talks to us about finding the perfect or imperfect space to write while travelling through life.

#FreedomFood: Energy Boosters
This month we welcome Jill Kemerer who talks about her go-to recipes when she needs a little #EnergyFood.

#TheFashionForwardWriter: Deadline Wear
For this month's #TheFashionForwardWriter, Kristina Knight comes clean on her write-at-home wardrobe...

#TechTalk: Kindle
Elisabeth Hobbes talks to The Pink Heart Society about her favourite piece of technology, her Kindle-- and not just for reading!

#AtTheCliffFace: Musings of a Romance Academic
This month, PHS editor Ali Williams is talking about discovering the wonders of having a deadline.

June Editorial
PHS Founder and Editor, Trish Wylie, is talking about the most exciting time of year...Conference Season!!

#ConferenceReport: RNA Summer Party 2017
Two of our editors, Christy Kate McKenzie and Ali Williams, had press passes to this year's RNA Summer Party, and Christy's intent o

#IndustryInsights: Â RWA Workshops Preview
We're delighted to welcome Shirley Jump, PAN Advisor and Workshop Committee member, and Donna Alward, PAN Steering Committee Chair, as t

#ViveLaDifference: Â Religion and Romance
This month the Pink Heart Society is welcoming authors from all kinds of backgrounds as they talk about writing romances with religious prot

#PinkHeartPoll: Â What's Your Favourite Trope?
We're talking about our favorite tropes at the PHS this month.  From marriages of convenience to pregnancy storylines; what's your p

#HunkOfTheMonth: Firemen
We're delighted to welcome Amy Andrews to the PHS, as she talks to us about her #HunkOfTheMonth: firemen. PLUS she has a giveaway for on

#TheWriteThing: Beating the Block
Nina Milne and Trish Wylie are taking on that most vicious of experiences:  Writer's Block!  Read on to find out ways to keep adding to

#TalkingPoint: Are There Any Taboos Left in Romance?
PHS columnist, Tara Taylor Quinn discusses whether there are any topics that romance simply can't discuss...