July Book Reviews
It's July book reviews time and the #PHSBookReviews team were all over this month's list of potentially awesome reads. Let's se

Exclusive FREE READ! from Virginia Heath
You read it here first folks! Our exclusive Free Read this month is an extract from Virginia Heath's book The Determined Lord Hadleigh.

The #UKRomChat Column
In this month's #UKRomChat Column, Eilidh K. Lawrence talks to us about attending a writers' group and how to engage with feedback.

June Editorial: Reach Out
In this month's editorial, Trish Wylie returns to talk about the importance of reaching out to help, support and embrace fellow writersÂ

Love In Full Color
In honor of PRIDE month, PHS Columnist Aleksandr Voinov takes a retrospective look over twelve years of experience in LGBTQ+ romance and vie

Ali Reads... Romances for PRIDE
This month, Ali Williams brings us an epic list of her favorite LGBTQIAPN romances to celebrate PRIDE. Prepare to crack open your wallet and

Reviewers' Choice Awards - The Finalists!
It's finally here! Our very first list of PHS Reviewers' Choice Award Finalists! Don't forget to come back next month when we an

#AskTheEd—Love Africa Press
We're thrilled to be joined by editors Kiru Taye and Zee Monodee from Love Africa Press, which celebrates all things Africa in romance a

Don't Do Drama
Feeling stressed? Getting caught up in other people's drama on social media? Kali Anthony talks about how avoiding it might just give yo

Conference Buddies
Are you headed to a romance writing conference this summer? Heidi Rice and Carolyn Hector reveal how they met their conference buddies.

Twitter can be a minefield, even for the fully initiated. But fear not! PHS superhero, Holly March, is here to share her top tips for surviv

Family Ties
It can provide strength and comfort. Sometimes it's more hindrance than help! We ask Tara Taylor Quinn and Robyn Rychards how they appro

The #UKRomChat Column
In this month's column, our PHS Partner introduces us to another new team member, Lucy Keeling, and Eilidh K. Lawrence takes us behind t

June Book Reviews
It's June book reviews time and the #PHSBookReviews team had another fabulous collection of reads to devour.