Vampires: The Ultimate Scary Heroes
Are vampires the ultimate scary heroes?  Nicole Locke takes the characters from the world of The Vampire Diaries to back up her argument!

Character Creation For Beginners
They're the most important part of the story and must feel real for us to invest in their happily-ever-after. Jill Kemerer and Nicole Lo

#AtHomeWith: Â Nicole Locke
PHS columnist Nicole Locke lets us peep through the keyhole into her new home..

#TalkingPoint: Is Historical Romance Rewriting History?
PHS columnist, Nicole Locke is discussing whether or not historical romances rewrite history, and looking at the rewriting history of an eve

#ADayInTheLife: Nicole Locke
PHS columnist, Nicole Locke is kicking off our new  #ADayInTheLife column, as we walk a mile in her shoes and follow her to Emerald City Com

#FreedomFood: Â Recipes to Make Your Life Easier
Regular PHS columnist, Nicole Locke, is talking about those go to recipes that make life that little bit easier for you when you're rush