PHS Aspiring Authors December Updates!
It's time to wrap up 2018 and Christy Kate McKenzie is here to fill us in on what's going on in the PHS Aspiring Authors Group and g

PHS Aspiring Authors Latest News!
Wonderful things continue to happen at the Pink Heart Society Aspiring Authors group. Chris Buono brings us up to speed on what’s been happe

Money Wise
How much does pricing influence the sale of a book? Chris Buono approaches this topic from a reader's perspective. The question is: Do y

Aspiring Authors Update
Have you visited our Aspiring Authors Group and Forum yet? Christy Kate McKenzie catches us up on everything that's been happening there

Opening New Doors
Ever considered being a hybrid author? Rachel Dove tells us how not limiting yourself to one label opens up more opportunities.

PHS Aspiring Authors: We’re All Heart
Assistant Editor, Chris Buono is here to catch us up on all of the exciting happenings over in our PHS Aspiring Authors group & the Foru

Aspiring Authors August Update
Senior Editor, Christy Kate McKenzie, is here to catch us up on all of the exciting happenings over in our PHS Aspiring Authors group &

RWA Conference Trip Tips
The RWa's annual conference hits Denver, Colorado this month, and Jill Kemerer is here to share some of her top #ConTripTips

The PHS Aspiring Authors Group is on Fire!
Senior Editor, Christy Kate McKenzie, is here to catch you up on all of the exciting happenings over in our PHS Aspiring Authors group this

Going Indie
For some it can be a difficult decision. For others it makes perfect sense. We take a look at two different #IndieAuthor perspectives of inc

Short Story Competition!
Think you can write a sexy short story we would like to publish on our website? Senior editor, Christy Kate McKenzie, launches our very firs

PHS Book Reviews
Got a book you would like us to review on our website? We have a shiny brand new team of avid romance readers who can't wait to get star

The PHS Poll: Wedding Fever
With the royal wedding still on our minds, we look at our favorite romance wedding tropes. Consider yourself cordially invited to vote for

Calling All Aspiring Authors!
We've been dropping a few hints in the last month about exciting things to come for the PHS readers who are aspiring authors. Now senior